Alexander Technique Training Center
What is
the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique is an educational method used worldwide for
over 100 years. By teaching how to change faulty postural habits, it
enables improved mobility, posture, performance and alertness along
with relief of chronic stiffness, tension and stress.
Why do people study the Alexander Technique?
People study the Technique for a variety of reasons. The most common is
to relieve pain through learning better coordination of the
musculoskeletal system.
Another reason people take lessons in the Alexander Technique is to
enhance performance. Athletes, singers, dancers, and musicians use the
Technique to improve breathing, vocal production, and speed and
accuracy of movement.
The most far-reaching reason people study the Technique is to achieve
greater conscious control of their reactions.
Most of us have many habitual patterns of tension, learned both
consciously and unconsciously. These patterns can be unlearned,
enabling the possibility of new choices in posture, movement and
reaction. During lessons you’ll develop awareness of habits that
interfere with your natural coordination. You’ll learn how to
undo these patterns and develop the ability to consciously redirect
your whole self into an optimal state of being and functioning. Through
direct experience you’ll learn how to go about your daily activities
with increasingly greater ease and less effort.
For more information on Alexander Technique: www.amsatonline.org